Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Love those leaks

If you were unaware, MGMT's upcoming release Congratulations was recently leaked so the guys thankfully just decided to stream it fo' free on their website. Listen here.

Apparently the album title ended up being a little ironic because they came up with it pre-worldwide embrace of Oracular Spectacular and it was supposed to be a joke, like, "Hey! We've arrived! We made another album!" They were expecting to still be floating around in semi-obscurity at the time of its release. But noooo...we all know what actually happened: they've been well-received by critics, frat stars, Skinny Pitchfork/Pabst Blue Ribbon Punks, and 12-year old Gossip Girl fans alike. I think this critic described MGMT's music best: "like a college-dorm experiment gone horribly right. So many other electro-pop duos have tried mixing such volatile elements as glam rock, disco, and new wave, and they've failed miserably."

enjoy. :)

P.S. Worth noting: Jakob Dylan (Bobby's son and Wallflowers frontman...he makes pretty good music, but I've always felt a little bad for him. imagine being Bob Dylan's son and also being a musician. Like...what can you do?) has a new album coming out today, Women and Country.

1 comment:

  1. i know this doesn't pertain to this particular entry, but you for real need to write an entry on the latest episode of gossip girl and just mention how basically every teenage girl who watched the show had their heart and soul ripped up into little bitty pieces and stomped on until there was nothing left but a big giant hole filled with hate and disappointment. i now have no hope for love. if they can't have it how can any of us?
