I could talk all day long about how great Titanic is. But you already know that. I will instead tell a little anecdote about my preoccupation with Leo and a little Google fun I had after making a subconscious slip in my typing.
Being the obsessive type that I am, I of course had to scour Google Images for sexy stills of Jack after watching this masterpiece for the bajillionth time. What do you know? I was a little too excited when I was searching and I inadvertently typed "i love jack dawson" into the search bar. You know, instead of just "Jack Dawson" or "Leonardo DiCaprio Titanic" or whatever. I only actually realized that I'd typed this long after "Enter" had been pressed. Only slightly embarrassing, I know.
Terrifyingly, the first page listed in the suggestions was a piece of fan fiction entitled "How I Met My Love: Through Rose's Eyes Only." Oh my. Time to get judgey. Now, considering just how easily I become addicted to shows/movies and just how overly invested and emotionally involved I become with characters, and considering the fact that I sort of enjoy writing from time to time, it would probably not seem too far-fetched if someone assumed I was a Fan-Fic writer. But I'm not. And I hate to say it (okay, no I don't) but ever since I discovered that the genre existed I've always thought it was a little (okay, a lot) sad and ridiculous. I'm all for fandom and creativity, but I'm not too big on an intense combination of the two. Can't you let your fandom inspire you to be creative in ways other than projecting creepy unfulfilled childhood desires onto characters that are probably beloved by many? And coming from me, this is pretty bold, considering I can't watch Ryan Atwood go back to Chino without whimpering or sleep well on Monday nights if all is not well with Chuck and Blair. In short, if even I think fan fiction is weird, you know it must really be weird. And no, before you ask, I did not read the "Rose-penned" piece.
But the next thing on the list caught my attention. A poll (made on that tragic website Fanpop, of course, for hopeless souls like myself) that asked "What is it about [sic] Jack, that you love?" (Please forgive the unnecessary comma.)
This poll's existence is, of course, completely ridiculous, but it made me laugh:

I must say, I'm really enjoying the fact that "I love all of him" has 83% of the vote, which is as it should be (if not 100%). And I really appreciate that "The hair in the eyes" is an option. I could have written these choices myself.
Ugh. Marry me now:

I'm about to go to sleep, but first...riddle me this. How is it that guys like Leo-circa-1997 and Ed Westwick (circa, um, always) can somehow STILL look dead sexy even when their respective wardrobe experts put them in Time Warp clothing that makes them look like 19th century Eastern European peasants? See examples below:

I guess that's something I'll never fully understand. But though I may not get it, I'll...never let go. Sorry. Bad attempt at a Titanic-quoting conclusion.
P.S. Edit. This is a bit unrelated, but sort of funny. While I was watching this, one of my favorite movies, my sister decided it'd be a fun surprise to walk into the kitchen accompanied by 3 people I went to high school with and haven't seen in forever (but I know them well enough that it would've been rude to simply ignore them). Anyway, of COURSE they showed up RIGHT at the kickoff of the infamous Drawing Scene. I was greeted with a "Hey Mary, cover your eyes" and then had to sit there uncomfortably among a bunch of gaping goobers. Not a recommended way to bump into people you haven't seen in a while.
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