Thursday, February 25, 2010

aaahhh!!! SO CLOSE i can smell it....

In case I haven't hammered it into the ground enough, Gossip Girl returns on March 8th. MARCH 8!!!! Are you sick of me saying it yet?? Not even 2 full weeks, yet somehow still lightyears away in the hazy, ambiguous distance. I CAN'T TAKE IT.

However, I was excited to see this news: Billy Baldwin arrived on set yesterday to film his scenes as this season's Token Appearance by a Long-Lost Family Member (that would be Serena's estranged daddy). Check him out on the far right below (the photos are from PopSugar)...

Side note: If Serena's father/Lily's former flame returning somehow made the writers decide that it's a good idea for Sebastian Stan to weasel his way in for YET ANOTHER unnecessary appearance as Carter Baizen (skeezeball dude who allegedly spent all that time looking for S's dad...stalkerish much?) I am NOT going to be pleased. Frankly, I'm starting to see the existence of Carter's character as nothing but a means of giving poor Sebastian Stan something to do so he won't just creepily lurk on the GG set when he comes to hang out with Leighton, who clearly has the upper hand in their relationship. Really, Blair Waldorf may be just a fictional character (admitting that and actually putting it in writing literally pained me just now) but Leighton Meester has a certain Blair Air herself, whereas Sebastian Stan has about as forceful a presence as a greased-up Mr. Rogers. Clearly Leighton wears the pants in that relationship. Other "evil nemesis" characters like Georgina are interesting, complicated, and funny, with one-liners that rival Chuck's and Blair's. Carter is probably the most boring villain in the history of TV/movies. Half the time I don't even know why he's there other than to make sneery faces and take someone's money. The only good things that have ever come from Carter's inclusion on the show were Chuck's lines when he made that first appearance during the "Lost Weekend" party in season 1. Remember? As soon as Carter walks through the door, Chuck slowly looks up and says, "Who brought the Sasquatch?" Nate then proceeds to talk about how "awesome" Carter Baizen is and says that "he looks intense." Chuck sneers back, "Are you high? He looks like Matthew McConaughey between movies." HAHAHA, one of the Best Bass Lines!! See the scene (plus more because that's the only video I could find with the Matthew McConaughey quote in it) below!! (Also, when I was searching for the scene, it should be noted that one of the things I found was a fan-made Carter Baizen video set to "This is Why I'm Hot." How's that for ridiculous??) OK, that Carter Baizen "side note" just turned into a whole paragraph/the meat of this post. Oh well.

^Carter Baizen aka GG's most unnecessary character. Look at that hair. What a sleazebag.

^Gag. Remember when he played the same game with Blair? Ugh.

Based on the latest crop of on-set pictures (see first photo), looks like Nate is slicking his hair back. Come on, beauty technicians...when are you ever going to learn that no matter WHO you put this 'do on, it just looks WORMY? Wormy is okay for a weasel like Carter B, but Nate is the nicest guy on the Upper East Side! Maybe they just decided that all of his recent Serena pursuits have turned him oily and dirty. Anyone who associates too much with Season Three Serena is asking for trouble. And not trouble in the good "I'm Chuck Bass" kind of way. Trouble in the "I AM SERENA VAN DER WOODSEN, DUURRRHH, THE MOST HOPELESSLY CLUELESS PERSON IN THE WORLD" kind of way.

Speaking of Estranged Family Members, who else is excited to see what's up with Chuck's (maybe alive) mom?!?!? C may not be an orphan after all.

All right. I think I've embarrassed myself enough for today. Be warned: I think starting Monday, I'm going to have to have a week-long Gossip Girl countdown, meaning that every day the posts will be GG themed, i.e. best one-liners, best songs, best outfits, best cameos, best Blair Waldorf zingers... . You know, just to get me through the final stretch. Getting through the end of this hiatus is like trying not to "hit the wall" at mile 24 in a marathon. These posts will be like the equivalent of a PowerBar and Gatorade at said mile. I'm going to do what I can to survive.

You know you love it...xoxo...

It's still been over two weeks since Anna Margaret last posted. Better get on it, AM. Don't say I didn't warn you about these old photos resurfacing:

1 comment:

  1. *said while hyperventilating* THANK YOU SO MUCH. ITS BEEN SUCH A ROUGH HIATUS. *weeeeeez* I NEED THAT POWER BAR. *gasp* GG filled the void that OTH left me with during this AWFUL season currently airing. It used to be the Side Show, but now its the Main Event. MARCH 8THHHHH WOO.

    -It should also be noted that it is rather comforting to find someone else who actually HAS a void left my a tv show. Kudos, comrad.
